Monday, March 11, 2013

More to Sales Basics than meets the eye?

More to Sales Basics than meets the eye? Building, defining, difference making, attracting -- these are the words used in this article. It's so easy to see through our lens of 'what we are trying to make happen' in sales -- vs. how do I create a conversation of strategic relevancy with relationships I value (and value me).  Worth a 5 minute read...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Exploring Customer Lifetime Potential

Exploring Customer Lifetime Potential

We’ve all heard of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) (the cost to acquire or keep a customer relative to the cost to grow and create a profit from that customer over time).

A fascinating new evolution and new territory being explored is for developing deep understanding about Customer Lifetime Potential (CLP). The ZFactor Methodology is currently being used to help guide the exploration of this concept and present new ways of thinking about strategic and relational relevancy to our customers for driving sales performance.

My head is spinning with all the possibilities for new modes of thinking to drive sales efficacy for the realization of high performance from hidden and untapped potential currently lying dormant in every sales organization.

I’m traveling this new territory and collaborating with Zilliant, who provides companies with data-driven guidance, enabling smarter pricing and sales decisions to help businesses make their numbers.

Join us on this journey over the next couple of months. A first product is this complimentary eBook and the series will culminate with a Webinar I’ll be guest host for on April 17th at 1 pm CT.

Download this new eBook today, and learn how you can leverage CLP to expand customer spend and drive profitable relationships.

Here’s a little more for you…

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is well understood and used by many B2B companies as a measure of the profitability of customer acquisitions. But what about after you acquire the customer – how do you measure the value of the ongoing relationship?

A new measure is emerging to help B2B organizations answer this question – Customer Lifetime Potential (CLP). Businesses that measure, and more importantly, maximize the lifetime potential of their customers have a distinct competitive advantage over those who do not. In today’s increasingly global and competitive marketplace, customers have more options available to them than ever before. Strengthening customer relationships is imperative for business success for one simple reason: Loyal, long-term customers drive profits.

CLP is a powerful business metric that serves as a guide for account executives to focus their time and energy on customers where it will pay the largest dividends.